
Hi there! I’m Kelly, interior designer and photographer.

Enneagram 3, type A as they come... I live for a chai latte (with soy), am always in clogs, and swear I will stop everything and dance if I hear "Return of the Mac"


I was a girl who moved... a lot!  Many people would see it as depressing, but I used it to fuel my creativity

You see, I’ve always been a bit of a nomad. Growing up, I hopped from place to place more times than I can count. But each new location wasn’t just a change of scenery for me—it was an opportunity to infuse my personal touch, let my personality shine, and carve out a cozy space where my heart could truly feel at ease. 

Between hundreds of creative projects including running a successful photography business.  I stumbled upon a realization: my true calling lies in helping others transform their houses into homes brimming with happiness.  

Yep, that's me!

Now, armed with a wealth of experience in curating my own little sanctuaries and assisting wonderful clients along the way, I’m bursting with excitement at the prospect of guiding you on a journey to rediscover the magic within your own home.
Let’s turn your space into a haven filled with warmth, comfort, and endless joy!

It's not just about pretty things; it's about the feeling.

I understand that your home is more than just walls and decor—it's your sanctuary, your happy place. And I'm dedicated to making sure it radiates joy and peace with every detail.

In my own home, having 3 kids and a pug, I know how important it is to have have a sense of peace in my home.  I want it to feel inspired and full of things that spark memories and joy.

Having experience as a photographer, I understand how much memories matter.  I always make it a goal to infuse all my designs with personal touches to help a space feel uniquely like my clients.

When I am not designing amazing interiors you can find me homeschooling my three kids and working in my garden.

Top: One of my favorite photos Left, My husband Grey and our children: Nigel, Berlin, and Esther Right: Murray when he was just a puppy.


Kelly is the founder of Dwell and Anchor. She's a Pinterest addict who swears she was born in the wrong decade. She hopes to be known for helping people fall in love with their homes in a way that makes every day living a lot more joyful.




Being organized is one of my love languages.  My kids groan when I try to make planners for them lol


I have kept diaries since I was 6!  I am not kidding when I say I love memories.


I say my favorite show is Lost, but it's actually The Twilight Zone. 


I have always been in love with vintage fashion and decor. 

Your at-a-glance guide to where I stand on all the truly important things.


Favorite indulgence

Pumpkin Pie

celeb i'd love to meet

Alfred Hitchcock

Guilty pleasure

Antique Shopping

alternate universe job:

Flower Gardener

favorite place i've been:

Neuschwanstein Castle

drink of choice

Hot Chai Latte with Soy Milk

can't live without

My Pug Murray

usually craving

Tikka Masala

beach vs mountains

Beach, beach, baby

favorite show to binge

The Twilight Zone

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and of course my pug Murray

yes, I'm in!

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